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Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) is a minimally invasive treatment, one of several types of ablation therapy, where surgery is not a good option. Guided by imaging, a thin needle or probe is inserted through the skin and into the tumor.The probe…
UCSF is one of the few centers in the U.S. and world-wide using a specialized surgical shunt to treat portal hypertension. The surgical procedure utlilizes a Rex shunt, also known as a meso-portal shunt, to restore normal blood flow back to the liver in patients who have…
JSLS. 2013 Oct-Dec; 17(4): 627–635.doi: 10.4293/108680813X13794522667409PMCID: PMC3866069PMID: 24398207Robotic Distal PancreatectomyParitosh Suman, MD, John Rutledge, MS, and Anusak Yiengpruksawan, MDAuthor information Copyright and License information PMC…